Substance Use

Types Of Addiction

drugs, alcohol, cigarettes

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What Are the Different Types of Addiction?

Addictions come in different forms, each with its own special traits, causes, and types of treatment. However, both physical and behavioral addiction involve compulsion to continue the addictive behavior, despite negative consequences.

Embrace the first step towards a healthier, happier life at Zinnia Health. We’re dedicated to treating substance abuse and co-occurring mental disorders. Call us at (855) 430-9439 to learn more about our specialized programs and how they can support your unique recovery journey.

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Physical Addiction

Physical addiction to drugs or alcohol occurs when a person relies on substances to feel normal. It includes physical signs that develop due to regular substance use, such as:

  • Building a tolerance
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms
  • A strong desire to keep using even if it causes harm

Types of Physical Substance Dependence

Physical substance use disorders can involve various drugs, including alcohol and nicotine. These include prescription drugs like benzodiazepines, opioids, stimulants, sedatives, hallucinogens, and others. 

Each substance causes unique impacts on the brain and body. These can lead to different addiction patterns and associated health risks.

Origins and Risk Elements

Physical substance dependence arises from a blend of:

  • Genetic vulnerabilities
  • Environmental factors
  • Social pressure 
  • Pre-existing mental health disorders
  • Early substance use
  • A history of trauma
  • Specific personality characteristics 

Intervention Methods

The management of drug addiction generally requires a comprehensive approach combining: 

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) can reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Behavioral therapies help tackle psychological elements propelling the addiction.

The Impact of Physical Substance Dependence

Using drugs or alcohol regularly can change the way your brain works. It mainly alters brain chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which help control your mood, feelings, and behavior.

Tolerance and Withdrawal Phenomena

When a person starts becoming dependent on a substance, they need more of it to get the same effect. This is called developing a tolerance. When they suddenly stop using or cut down on the substance, they can start to feel a range of bad effects, from mild discomfort to serious health problems. This is known as withdrawal.

Lasting Repercussions

Addiction can cause the following issues:

  • Health Problems: Addiction can lead to serious health issues. This includes conditions like liver damage from alcohol, lung disease from smoking, or heart issues from stimulants. 
  • Relationship Issues: When someone’s dependent on a substance, it can strain their relationships. They may be less reliable, have mood swings, or even start to withdraw from their loved ones. 
  • Work Issues: Substance dependency can also make it hard to hold down a job.

Prolonged substance use can increase the risk of:

  • Organ harm
  • Overdose
  • Mental health conditions
  • Legal issues
  • Financial distress

Behavioral Addiction

Behavioral addiction, also known as process addiction, happens when someone becomes fixated on activities such as:

  • Food addiction and other eating disorders
  • Sex addiction
  • Internet addiction
  • Shopping addiction
  • Social media addiction
  • Impulse control disorder
  • Other types of compulsive behavior, like a gambling addiction

At Zinnia Health, we understand the complexities of addiction. Help is available 24/7 for you or a loved one at (855) 430-9439. Connect with us today and let your addiction recovery begin.

The Psychology of Behavioral Addiction

Behavioral addiction operates on a psychological level. The pleasure principle and the brain’s reward system play key roles here.

Engaging in these addictive behaviors releases dopamine, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, in the brain. This reinforces the behavior, creating a vicious cycle. 

A person with behavioral addiction keeps repeating certain activities because they enjoy the rush it gives, even if it’s causing problems in their life.

Identifying Behavioral Addictions

Identifying signs of behavioral addiction can be challenging, primarily because they often involve socially acceptable activities and are even encouraged. 

However, key signs can indicate a problem:

  • Preoccupation: An excessive focus on the activity
  • Loss of control: Difficulty in stopping or reducing the behavior
  • Neglect of other areas of life: Personal, professional, and social aspects being ignored or disrupted
  • Continued behavior despite negative consequences: Persisting with the behavior even when it’s causing significant distress or harm

Unveiling the Impact of Behavioral Addictions

While behavioral addictions might not result in physical harm as substance addictions do, they can have a significant impact on a person’s life. 

This may include:

  • Mental Health: Increased risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders 
  • Relationships: Strained relationships with family and friends due to obsessive engagement with the behavior 
  • Financial: Money-related issues stemming from overspending on addictive behavior 
  • Professional: Lower productivity and potential job loss due to preoccupation with the behavior 

Treatment Approaches

Treating behavioral addiction requires a comprehensive approach that may incorporate the following:

Therapy’s goal is to dig into deep-seated mental issues, help build better ways to handle stress, and encourage changes in harmful behaviors.

The Difference Between Physical and Behavioral Addictions

When someone has a physical addiction, their body is caught in a kind of chemical loop. It starts to depend on a certain substance to feel normal, creating a physical link to that substance.

This situation sets up a pattern. With regular use, the body needs more of the substance to feel the same effects. If the substance use stops, withdrawal symptoms kick in, and these symptoms make a person want to use again.

It’s like the body is stuck in an endless tug of war.

Behavioral addiction doesn’t trap the body but rather the mind. In this case, the dependency is not on a substance but on an activity that brings about enjoyable feelings.

These activities can be many things. Some common behavioral addictions are gambling, using the internet too much, shopping, playing video games, or eating. Like physical addiction, behavioral addiction makes a person feel the need to keep doing the activity, even if it has bad effects.

The driving force here is a mental desire for the enjoyment that comes from the behavior, not the avoidance of physical withdrawal symptoms.

Consequences of Addiction

Physical addiction can cause a range of health problems. These can be as diverse as issues with organs to problems with the nervous system, all depending on the drug being abused.

Behavioral addiction, while it doesn’t directly damage the body, can still upset a person’s life. It can hurt mental health, make relationships difficult, and steal away life’s joys.

Treatment for Addiction

The treatment programs for these two types of addictions are also different. 

Usually, to treat physical addiction to drugs, we need a mix of medical treatments to cleanse the body of the drug and therapy to address the reason the person started using the drug in the first place.

On the flip side, behavioral addiction leans heavily on psychotherapeutic approaches to:

  • Change destructive behavior
  • Reveal underlying triggers
  • Cultivate healthier coping skills

Treating all Aspects of Addiction Is the Key to Recovery

Understanding the diverse types of addiction helps develop effective strategies to combat the complexities of addiction. 

By fostering awareness, compassion, and accessible support systems, we can provide individuals with the addiction treatment they need to embark on a path of recovery and well-being.

Overcome drug and alcohol addiction and reclaim your life with Zinnia Health. Our inpatient and outpatient rehab services are your path to recovery. Take the leap towards healing and call us anytime, day or night, at (855) 430-9439. Your journey to recovery starts with a single step. Make that step today.

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